Nomination of Certificates and volunteer identifications - EPOMEA Thessaloniki

Nomination of Certificates and volunteer identifications - EPOMEA Thessaloniki Nomination of Certificates and volunteer identifications - EPOMEA Thessaloniki Nomination of Certificates and volunteer identifications - EPOMEA Thessaloniki Nomination of Certificates and volunteer identifications - EPOMEA Thessaloniki Nomination of Certificates and volunteer identifications - EPOMEA Thessaloniki

Nomination of Certificates and volunteer identifications for EPOMEA volunteers of Thessaloniki who attended the training program of the educational year 2016-2017. Congratulations on your perseverance and willingness to learn as well as for your disposed participation in the activities of our team. Mr. Nakos Dimitrios, president of the Federation of Voluntary Civil Protection Organizations, Mr. Vairlis Stelios, president of the volunteer team EDOMAK team and members of these bodies were present in the nomination.