BLS/AED Seminar - EPOMEA Egaleo

BLS/AED Seminar - EPOMEA Egaleo BLS/AED Seminar - EPOMEA Egaleo BLS/AED Seminar - EPOMEA Egaleo BLS/AED Seminar - EPOMEA Egaleo BLS/AED Seminar - EPOMEA Egaleo

On Saturday 04/01/2017 at the premises of EP.OM.E.A. Egaleo an educational seminar was held on Basic Life Support with the use of an automatic external defibrillator (BLS / AED).
The seminar included mainly practical exercises from experienced and certified trainers of the European Resuscitation Council (ERC).
At the end of the seminar, an examination was held, in accordance with European standards as defined by the ERC and the laureates received their certifications.