Seminar on Basic First Aid - EPOMEA Sintikis

Ο χειρούργος - ορθοπεδικός κος Μωυσίδης Γρηγόριος εξηγεί τα βασικά σημεία των πρώτων βοηθειών. Seminar on Basic First Aid - EPOMEA Sintikis Πρακτική εξάσκηση στη καρδιοπνευμονική αναζωογόνηση με τον κο Αραμπατζή Θωμά Seminar on Basic First Aid - EPOMEA Sintikis

On Thurday 15th of March, EPOMEA Sintikis held an educational seminar at the request of the Parent's council of the elementary school of Ano Porion on "Basic First Aid" techniques. The lecture included training on cases of wound infliction, collapse, heart failure, choking and epileptic seizure. 

Basic lecturer of the seminar was General Secretary of EPOMEA Greece and orthopedic surgeon Mr Mousidis Grigorios and the training was supported by members Mrs Neldekou Vasiliki and Mr Arambatzis Thomas.

The parents and teachers that participated in the seminar, were trained on both theoretical and practical level for the best way to react in case of an accident during every-day life, whilst being in school, in the house and generally on the first critical moments wher human mind gives way to panic.